Founded by two Scotsmen, Stephen George Balmer and Alexander Lawrie, in Kolkata, Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd. started its corporate journey as a Partnership Firm on 1st February 1867. Traversing the 158 years gone by, today Balmer Lawrie is a Miniratna - I Public Sector Enterprise under the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Govt. of India, with a turnover of Rs. 2404 crores and a profit of Rs. 203.47 crores.
Balmer Lawrie is a diversified PSE leveraging technology and innovation for manufacturing and providing world class solutions.
Balmer Lawrie adheres to robust corporate governance practices, emphasising on transparency, accountability, and ethical conduct to ensure sustainable business growth and stakeholder trust.
Balmer Lawrie regularly invites tenders for various projects and services, promoting fair competition and transparency in the procurement process.
Balmer Lawrie through regular press releases, events and newsletters, ensures that its stakeholders are well-informed about the company's latest developments and achievements.
Balmer Lawrie endeavors to operate the business in a manner that has minimal negative impact on the environment and regularly measures and monitors environmental performance to review and revise environmental goals.
All plants of Balmer Lawrie are certified with the ISO 14001 Environment Management system
Energy management is one of the key strategic areas in our pursuit of sustainability in our operations. Energy consumption is not only the main source of emissions but also has a direct implication on the cost of operations. The energy management strategy of Balmer Lawrie involves the following:
Balmer Lawrie is committed towards sustainable development and is continuously working towards reducing and controlling carbon emissions by adopting energy-efficient processes, technological advancement, using renewable energy sources, tree plantation etc.
Balmer Lawrie has taken steps to utilize alternate sources of energy. It has installed 776 kwP Solar Power units to date to conserve energy and reduce carbon footprints.
Balmer Lawrie is focused on investing in modern technology for improving energy consumption. This investment is broadly done in the areas of energy efficient motors, VFDs, LED Lights, three phase welding machines aimed at reducing the consumption or wastage of energy.
The Company also maintains a carbon emission inventory to measure and monitor its scope 1 and scope 2 emissions.
Water conservation goals to reduce water footprints have been achieved through the recycling and reuse of water in addition to continual improvements in the manufacturing processes.
The water conservation programs include but are not limited to the installation of Effluent Treatment Plants (ETPs), Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs), RO systems, Atomizer tap controllers and rainwater harvesting pits etc.
At Balmer Lawrie generated waste is managed effectively through systematic handling, treatment and disposal. Sound waste management practices are followed to minimize waste generation.
SBU: Chemicals - Chennai closed its old solar evaporation ponds for an effluent treatment system and installed a state-of-the-art Zero Liquid Discharge Plant.
Chennai installed oil float sensors and LDO float sensors in the storage tank to prevent spillage of oil and any subsequent land contamination.